Select a Region
Area Served

Region 10 Atlanta, in Georgia, services:
Baker | Forsyth | Oglethorpe |
Baldwin | Franklin | Paulding |
Banks | Fulton | Peach |
Barrow | Gilmer | Pickens |
Bartow | Glascock | Pike |
Ben Hill | Gordon | Polk |
Berrien | Greene | Pulaski |
Bibb | Gwinnett | Putnam |
Bleckley | Habersham | Quitman |
Bryan | Hall | Rabun |
Bulloch | Hancock | Randolph |
Burke | Haralson | Richmond |
Butts | Harris | Rockdale |
Calhoun | Hart | Schley |
Candler | Heard | Screven |
Carroll | Henry | Spalding |
Catoosa | Houston | Stephens |
Chatham | Irwin | Stewart |
Chattahoochee | Jackson | Sumter |
Chattooga | Jasper | Talbot |
Cherokee | Jefferson | Taliaferro |
Clarke | Jenkins | Tattnall |
Clay | Johnson | Taylor |
Clayton | Jones | Telfair |
Cobb | Lamar | Terrell |
Colquitt | Laurens | Tift |
Columbia | Lee | Toombs |
Cook | Liberty | Towns |
Coweta | Lincoln | Treutlen |
Crawford | Long | Troup |
Crisp | Lumpkin | Turner |
Dade | McDuffie | Twiggs |
Dawson | McIntosh | Union |
De Kalb | Macon | Upson |
Dodge | Madison | Walker |
Dooly | Marion | Walton |
Dougherty | Meriwether | Warren |
Douglas | Miller | Washington |
Early | Mitchell | Webster |
Effingham | Monroe | Wheeler |
Elbert | Montgomery | White |
Emanuel | Morgan | Whitfield |
Evans | Murray | Wilcox |
Fannin | Muscogee | Wilkes |
Fayette | Newton | Wilkinson |
Floyd | Oconee | Worth Counties |
In Tennessee, services:
Anderson | Hawkins | Polk |
Bedford | Henry | Putnam |
Benton | Hickman | Rhea |
Bledsoe | Houston | Roane |
Blount | Humphreys | Robertson |
Bradley | Jackson | Rutherford |
Cannon | Jefferson | Scott |
Carter | Johnson | Sequatchie |
Cheatham | Knox | Sevier |
Claiborne | Lawrence | Smith |
Clay | Lewis | Stewart |
Cocke | Lincoln | Sullivan |
Coffee | Loudon | Sumner |
Cumberland | McMinn | Trousdale |
Davidson | Macon | Unicoi |
DeKalb | Marion | Union |
Dickson | Marshall | Van Buren |
Fentress | Maury | Warren |
Franklin | Meigs | Washington Wayne |
Giles | Monroe | White |
Grainger | Montgomery | Williamson |
Greene | Moore | Wilson Counties |
Grundy | Morgan | |
Hamblen | Overton | |
Hamilton | Perry | |
Hancock | Pickett |
In Alabama, services:
Autauga | Etowah | Marshall |
Bibb | Fayette | Morgan |
Blount | Franklin | Perry |
Calhoun | Greene | Pickens |
Chambers | Hale | Randolph |
Cherokee | Jackson | St. Clair |
Chilton | Jefferson | Shelby |
Clay | Lamar | Sumter |
Cleburne | Lauderdale | Talladega |
Colbert | Lawrence | Tallapoosa |
Coosa | Lee | Tuscaloosa |
Cullman | Limestone | Walker |
De Kalb | Madison | Winston Counties |
Elmore | Marion |
In Kentucky, services:
Adair | Fulton | Metcalfe |
Allen | Graves | Monroe |
Ballard | Grayson | Muhlenberg |
Barren | Green | Ohio |
Breckinridge | Hancock | Russell |
Butler | Hart | Simpson |
Caldwell | Hickman | Todd |
Calloway | Hopkins | Trigg |
Carlisle | Livingston | Union |
Christian | Logan | Warren |
Clinton | Lyon | Wayne |
Crittenden | Marshall | Webster Counties |
Cumberland | McCracken | |
Edmonson | McLean |
Subregion 11 Winston-Salem services North Carolina and South Carolina.
In Tennessee, services the city of Bristol in Sullivan County.
In Virginia, services:
Alleghany |
Dickenson | Pulaski |
Amherst | Floyd | Roanoke |
Appomattox | Franklin | Rockbridge |
Bath | Giles | Russell |
Bedford | Grayson | Scott |
Bland | Halifax | Smyth |
Botetourt | Henry | Tazewell |
Buchanan | Lee | Washington |
Campbell | Mecklenburg | Wise |
Carroll | Montgomery | Wythe Counties |
Charlotte | Patrick | |
Craig | Pittsylvania |
*the independently incorporated Virginia cities not part of, but located within or adjacent to, the territory by these Virginia counties
In West Virginia, services:
Greenbriar | Monroe |
Mercer | Summers Counties |
Persons may also obtain service at the Resident Office in Birmingham, Alabama.

Region 10 Atlanta, in Georgia, services:
Baker | Forsyth | Oglethorpe |
Baldwin | Franklin | Paulding |
Banks | Fulton | Peach |
Barrow | Gilmer | Pickens |
Bartow | Glascock | Pike |
Ben Hill | Gordon | Polk |
Berrien | Greene | Pulaski |
Bibb | Gwinnett | Putnam |
Bleckley | Habersham | Quitman |
Bryan | Hall | Rabun |
Bulloch | Hancock | Randolph |
Burke | Haralson | Richmond |
Butts | Harris | Rockdale |
Calhoun | Hart | Schley |
Candler | Heard | Screven |
Carroll | Henry | Spalding |
Catoosa | Houston | Stephens |
Chatham | Irwin | Stewart |
Chattahoochee | Jackson | Sumter |
Chattooga | Jasper | Talbot |
Cherokee | Jefferson | Taliaferro |
Clarke | Jenkins | Tattnall |
Clay | Johnson | Taylor |
Clayton | Jones | Telfair |
Cobb | Lamar | Terrell |
Colquitt | Laurens | Tift |
Columbia | Lee | Toombs |
Cook | Liberty | Towns |
Coweta | Lincoln | Treutlen |
Crawford | Long | Troup |
Crisp | Lumpkin | Turner |
Dade | McDuffie | Twiggs |
Dawson | McIntosh | Union |
De Kalb | Macon | Upson |
Dodge | Madison | Walker |
Dooly | Marion | Walton |
Dougherty | Meriwether | Warren |
Douglas | Miller | Washington |
Early | Mitchell | Webster |
Effingham | Monroe | Wheeler |
Elbert | Montgomery | White |
Emanuel | Morgan | Whitfield |
Evans | Murray | Wilcox |
Fannin | Muscogee | Wilkes |
Fayette | Newton | Wilkinson |
Floyd | Oconee | Worth Counties |
In Tennessee, services:
Anderson | Hawkins | Polk |
Bedford | Henry | Putnam |
Benton | Hickman | Rhea |
Bledsoe | Houston | Roane |
Blount | Humphreys | Robertson |
Bradley | Jackson | Rutherford |
Cannon | Jefferson | Scott |
Carter | Johnson | Sequatchie |
Cheatham | Knox | Sevier |
Claiborne | Lawrence | Smith |
Clay | Lewis | Stewart |
Cocke | Lincoln | Sullivan |
Coffee | Loudon | Sumner |
Cumberland | McMinn | Trousdale |
Davidson | Macon | Unicoi |
DeKalb | Marion | Union |
Dickson | Marshall | Van Buren |
Fentress | Maury | Warren |
Franklin | Meigs | Washington Wayne |
Giles | Monroe | White |
Grainger | Montgomery | Williamson |
Greene | Moore | Wilson Counties |
Grundy | Morgan | |
Hamblen | Overton | |
Hamilton | Perry | |
Hancock | Pickett |
In Alabama, services:
Autauga | Etowah | Marshall |
Bibb | Fayette | Morgan |
Blount | Franklin | Perry |
Calhoun | Greene | Pickens |
Chambers | Hale | Randolph |
Cherokee | Jackson | St. Clair |
Chilton | Jefferson | Shelby |
Clay | Lamar | Sumter |
Cleburne | Lauderdale | Talladega |
Colbert | Lawrence | Tallapoosa |
Coosa | Lee | Tuscaloosa |
Cullman | Limestone | Walker |
De Kalb | Madison | Winston Counties |
Elmore | Marion |
In Kentucky, services:
Adair | Fulton | Metcalfe |
Allen | Graves | Monroe |
Ballard | Grayson | Muhlenberg |
Barren | Green | Ohio |
Breckinridge | Hancock | Russell |
Butler | Hart | Simpson |
Caldwell | Hickman | Todd |
Calloway | Hopkins | Trigg |
Carlisle | Livingston | Union |
Christian | Logan | Warren |
Clinton | Lyon | Wayne |
Crittenden | Marshall | Webster Counties |
Cumberland | McCracken | |
Edmonson | McLean |
Subregion 11 Winston-Salem services North Carolina and South Carolina.
In Tennessee, services the city of Bristol in Sullivan County.
In Virginia, services:
Alleghany |
Dickenson | Pulaski |
Amherst | Floyd | Roanoke |
Appomattox | Franklin | Rockbridge |
Bath | Giles | Russell |
Bedford | Grayson | Scott |
Bland | Halifax | Smyth |
Botetourt | Henry | Tazewell |
Buchanan | Lee | Washington |
Campbell | Mecklenburg | Wise |
Carroll | Montgomery | Wythe Counties |
Charlotte | Patrick | |
Craig | Pittsylvania |
*the independently incorporated Virginia cities not part of, but located within or adjacent to, the territory by these Virginia counties
In West Virginia, services:
Greenbriar | Monroe |
Mercer | Summers Counties |
Persons may also obtain service at the Resident Office in Birmingham, Alabama.